“Diplôme Fédéral” – A official recognition for coaching professionals in Switzerland


The requirements for obtaining this new diploma include the validation of experience acquired by professionals who must have been actively coaching for at least four years.

What training? What requirements?

 Candidates must:

  • present documentation of their professional experience in coaching and in supervision (at least four years of experience required)
  • prepare a dissertation and a coaching case study explaining and illustrating their methods and practice
  • Pass an oral examination by a jury
  • The title of “Supervisor-Coach”  relates to the practices in the social sphere in Switzerland where coaching-type activities are commonly referred to as

What is the role of IDC?

IDC certification training in coaching, accredited by EduQua, enables students to acquire the basic coaching competences that are required to obtain the diploma. Candidates for the federal diploma may  offer this training as evidence of their experience. Other conditions are also imposed before the diploma can be awarded.

Related to this requirement, one of the official provider of the training is Synopia, a company in which one of the IDC trainers is involved. It has already proposed a curriculum to begin at the start of 2016 as well as the process of validating previous experience. This will enable interested candidates to acquire or consolidate the experience required for the diploma and will give them the best chance to pass the examination.  With their previous experience taken into account, the modular structure of the training allows them to avoid some or all the proposed sessions. This arrangement maximises the synergy between IDC training in coaching and Synopia’s professional preparation for the federal diploma.

IDC has been one of the first Swiss institutes of training in professional coaching to be accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation) which works to gain international recognition for our profession.  We are very pleased that, at last, coaching has been given an official status in Switzerland.

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